Jul 22, 2009

want it NOW

A very stylish friend of mine put me onto this great website, these girls a brilliant they have the best blog and their jewellery is HOIT!!

Jul 17, 2009

Telling Stories, Tracey Chapman

There is fiction in the space between
You and me

Theres a
science fiction in the space between
You and me
A fabrication of a grand scheme
Where I am the scary monster
I eat the city and as I leave the scene
In my spaceship I am laughing
In your remembrance of your bad dream
Theres no one but you standing

Leave the pity and the blame
For the ones who do not speak
You write the words to get respect and compassion
And for posterity
You write the words and make believe
There is truth in the space between

There is fiction in the space between
You and everybody
Give us all what we need
Give us one more sad sordid story
But in the fiction of the space between
Sometimes a lie is the best thing
Sometimes a lie is the best thing

Jul 7, 2009

Cold Weather, Swine flu...anti depressants.. While the cold weather is seeping into my bones and making me a very miserable person. Here is what I am focusing on until I thaw out in September...

Okay so I know I may be a few year behind.. But I saw these boots on jak & Jil and I fell in love. They are Dior homme boots. So if you have a pair that you want to sell...pls get in touch...

Jul 1, 2009